I don't post much on the Yahoo ME Support Group site but always check it out to see if someone needs help or if there is any new info that could be beneficial to Sidney. There was a person in Florida with a cute little German Shepard puppy that wasn't able to build a Bailey Chair. I know how helpless you feel in the beginning after you get this horrible diagnosis, so I offered to help them out and build one like Sid's Portable Chair.
A nice friend Linda, that has her own ME dog named Baron, that I met through the Yahoo site that lives nearby offered to pay for the shipping. So I used the materials I had left from Sid's Portable Chair and other random projects and built little Barry (puppy's name) a chair.
They send us pictures and updates on how Barry is doing and he's doing great.
Thanks to Ryan and Linda Barry is doing great. He gave up his whole weekend to build Barry a Bailey chair, and Linda paid for the shipping. We will always be grateful for that. Thank you a million times Ryan and Linda!! I don't know what I would do if they hadn't contacted me asking if I need help. How often do you find people out there like that? Not only are they both great people, but they really care and love their pets.